Category Archives: Natural ingredients for skin

Aurélia Zierre – Natural Skin Care In Business on Maicurles

Hey Maicurlies,

I am delighted to share the business story about an all natural skin care company.

Aurélia | Zierre

Aurélia | Zierre

Aurélia | Zierre is a budding Altruistic Natural Skin Care company based in the United States – District Heights, Maryland & Washington, DC. Their products range from natural scrubs, Shea Body Crémes and Artisan Soaps.


Apart from the all natural concept that I of course LOVE, I also really love supporting companies that give back to the community, which is what Aurélia | Zierre does. The company have partnered together with four local charities in order to give directly to those in need.

“With every product you purchase, Aurélia | Zierre helps a person in need”

I am excited to share the story and business concept of Aurélia | Zierre which you can read on my Feature Page here. Please do not forget to check out: to take a peek at their beautiful products! 

Thank you for sharing your story with us Aurélia | Zierre!



SheaButter Cottage – Order 2 Arrived!

Hey Maicurlies,

So I am super duper excited because I got my order of products from SheaButter Cottage!!! 😀


I have ordered from the company before (I am a huge fan, I told Akua – the owner – that I might be in love and she has a life time customer!) You can read about my previous experience & order from SheaButter Cottage here

This time round I ordered: Unrefined Cocoa Butter (yes again, I LOVE the stuff), Indigo Powder (for my mum) and I wanted to try a new butter so I got Coffee Bean Butter.

Now if you have read my previous post  you will notice that I am a HUGE fan of Unrefined Cocoa Butter.

Cocoa Butter

                                             Unrefined Cocoa Butter

Since I adore it I reordered 1.5KG but let me tell you, as soon as I opened the Coffee Bean Butter (2x 300G) I think I might have passed out from bliss! The scent of this stuff is to die for!!! No seriously! It is more than amazing! If you are a coffee fan you simply HAVE TO try this. 

Unrefined Coffee Bean Butter

                                       Coffee Bean Butter

These are the two packets of 100g Indigo powder I got for my mum. 

Indigo Powder

                                                            Indigo Powder

I will have a review of the Coffee Butter along with a detailed look at it once I have tried the butter and will ask my mum for a review of the Indigo Powder. I already have written about the company’s Unrefined Cocoa, Mango and Shea Butter in my previous post. 


The service with the company was excellent as always. Akua is AMAZING at what she does and is extremely professional and patient. International shipping with them is quite effective (p.s. they are a UK based company). Last time my order arrived 17 working days after ordering and this time it only took 11 working days! For International shipping that is really good :). Like I said, everything went smoothly and Akua was always willing to answer any questions (I had a lot of questions, just ask her lol). In case you are reading this Akua, THANK YOU! 

Apart from their site you can find SheaButter Cottage on their Facebook Page as well as their Instagram Page.

As soon as I have a new experiment done you will be the first to know. (P.s. now that I have extra Cocoa Butter I can finally get to recording my Henna Bars).

Have you used Cocoa Butter, Mango Butter, Shea Butter, Coffee Bean Butter or Indigo Powder before? I would love to hear from you! 



DIY Infused Oil “Mini-Series”

HELLLOOO Maicurlies,

I hope all is well!

I have been BUSY making DIY mixes, recording videos (editing), taking photos and have come up with an Infused Oil “series”! Do I hear you say: HOW EXCITING! (Yes, it is!)

Infused Oils

                                                                                      Infused Oils

If you are wondering why would you want to make an infused oil? I say why not?!

In all seriousness, infused oils give you the option of incorporating your favorite ingredients to your favorite carrier oil – adding more punch, nourishment and benefits for your hair and/or skin.

Uses of infused oils for the hair

Infused oils can be used in a number of different ways such as: Pre-poo’s, hot oil treatments, scalp massages, Deep Conditioners, leave-in conditioners, whipped butters, sealing…ANYTHING! Their benefits depend on the ingredients used for infusion and the carrier oil you use. With each of my infusions I  will list the benefits of each and how I personally use them.

Infused oil for skin

You can incorporate infused oils into a DIY Body butters, sugar scrubs or even directly onto your skin to trap in moisture after a shower.

So which Oils have I made (are in the making?)

  • Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil
  • Hibiscus Infused Almond Oil
  • Amla Infused Grapeseed Oil
  • Coffee Infused Almond Oil
  • Neem Infused Coconut Oil

Heads up – Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil will be first!

I hope you enjoy this “mini series”.

Do you make your own infused oil? If so what do you make and how? I would love to hear from you!




Making your own Hibiscus petals and powder (video)

Hey Maicurlies,

I hope all is well and you are enjoying the football (soccer) bug as much I am 😀

Right let me get back to business.

Hibiscus Petals and Powder

                                            Hibiscus Petals and Powder

I have already mentioned Hibiscus in a previous post “Hibiscus for Hair, Health and Skin”, and so I finally made a video as well which you can watch below or on my YouTube Channel:

I personally use Hibiscus for my hair, skin and internally.

  • For my hair: I add it to my Henna
  • For my skin: I have used it as a toner* (although my Rosewater toner is hands down my favorite)
  • Internally: I use it as a tea

*Hibiscus does give off a purple/red tint so you might want to splash off the toner after applying it to a cotton swab and rubbing it over your face.

If you feel like doing a little extra DIY then you can use Hibiscus petals from your garden and either sun-dry them or use your oven to dry them*.

Fresh Hibiscus Petals from my garden

                     Fresh Hibiscus Petals from my garden

*It is “faster” to oven-dry the petals however a lot more difficult to do without burning them (trust me I’ve tried)! Sun-drying requires a little more time but you do not run the risk of burning the hibiscus.

Apart from collecting the petals yourself, an easier way is to use prepackaged hibiscus petals or powder. I personally get mine from a local Indian store but there are several sources where you can find them in case you do not have a local Indian store near you. Just to mention a few Amazon, Butters-n-Bars and SheaButter Cottage are three places where you can find either the petals or powder (just some suggestions).

Packaged Dried Hibiscus

                                   Packaged Dried Hibiscus

Please note: I was not requested, paid, or compensated to mention the sources above. I paid (with my own money) for the hibiscus petals I use and just wanted to share where you can find the product in case you are interested.  

I get whole petals from the store but I like to use both whole petals as well as the powdered form. I make my own powder by simply blending the dried petals, sieving them (a couple of times) and that is it! See below:

I like to use the whole petals for my tea and whenever I make my hibiscus toner for my skin. I use the powder when I mix my henna as it gives my hair an extra punch of red! 🙂

My video goes into detail about how exactly I make each of the three DIY products so please take a look at that.

I would love to hear if you use Hibiscus powder or petals and how!





Aritha– Ayurvedic all Natural Shampoo (Option 2)

Hi Maicurlies,

As promised, today I will cover part 2 of my all natural Auyvedic shampoo experiments. In my previous review (part 1) I wrote about Shikakai powder and today I will be covering Aritha powder.

Similar to Shikakai, Aritha predominetly comes from Asia – mainly in India and is derived from a fruit. It is most commonly known as soapnut or Sapindus Trifoliatus.

In Asia Aritha is popular alternative to commercial shampoo due to the fact that it does not contain unnatural elements and harsh chemicals.

Aritha - Hesh

                                     Aritha – Hesh

The brand of Aritha I used is Hesh  and apart from being a natural shampoo, Aritha has a number of different uses. For one it can be used for the skin:

  • Cleanses the pores
  • Helps the skin breath better
  • Improves the texture of skin (with frequent use)

I have used it for my skin and it did a really good job of cleaning, clearing up my pores as well as helping fight my oily T-zone. I would suggest this for those who have oily skin as apposed to dry skin because it can cause more dryness.

According to the box, it is also said to be an effective agent to wash silk, wool clothes, silver and gold ornaments and utensils. I did not try this personally

Now for the shampoo part. The box says it:

  • Completely cleans the hair
  • Works an efficient natural shampoo
  • Best for extremely oily (dirty) hair
  • Gives the hair natural gloss and bounce
  • Cleans dirt accumulated on the scalp

To use Aritha you do not need any additional ingredients apart from water however, I know some people might add a little oil to the mix. Note: Aritha will have a moderate lather (it lathers more than Shikakai). BTW it has a fruit/spice smell to it…I do not particularly mind it but those with a sensitive sense of smell will pick up on its scent!  

Box application instructions:

1. Take required quantity of powder, add a little water and mix to make a thick past. 2. Gently massage (scalp) using your fingertips. 3. Wait for 2 – 5 minute and 4. wash thoroughly with water.

Aritha Powder

                                             Aritha Powder

My experiments: I tried two different methods

1. Box method – 5 tablespoons of Aritha and 8 tablespoons of water. It made a really thick paste and I applied it to my damp scalp as instructed. I carefully and slowly massaged my scalp for a few minutes while in the shower, left it on for 5 minutes and then rinsed it off with lukewarm water. While I was rinsing it off I would glide my hands down the length of my hair so that there would be some contact but I did not concentrate on the length of my hair.

Pros- My scalp felt really really clean. I had no buildup what so ever and even though it  had limited contact with the length of my hair it still felt really clean. 

Con – My hair felt drrrryyyyy afterwards! It took a couple of rinses till I felt like I got all the mix off my scalp and hair. The mix did what it was suppose to (cleaned my hair and scalp) but maybe a little too effectively in terms of stripping my hair of its natural oils. I needed an intesne moisturizing DC afterwards.

2. Second Method – Due to my previous experience (really dry hair) I prepped by doing a hot oil treatment for 30 minutes before applying the Aritha. I used less powder and a lot more water (3 tablespoons Aritha and 3/4 cup of water). I put the mixture in an old (clean) squeeze container and liberally squirted the mixture over my scalp. (Do not get it in your eyes it will burn and feel uncomfortable!) Since it was a lot more liquid-based, the mixture ran down my hair as well. I gently massaged just my scalp and let it sit for 5 minutes before rinsing it out with lukewarm water.

Pros – Again my scalp felt and looked really clean as did the length of my hair.  

Cons – My hair still felt dry afterwards even though I “prepoo’d” for 30 minutes. Also because it was very watery the mix did run down my hair a couple of times while I was massaging my scalp. 


Would I buy this again? Yes BUT only to use for my face not to use it on my hair. I prefer Shikakai as a natural shampoo because it did not leave my hair as dry but did a good job of cleaning my hair. I can not say this is a “bad” product because it did what it supposed to do (cleans the scalp) and also dried the length of my hair from the limited contact it had. I think perhaps those with more product build up or an oily scalp might find this a little less harsh? I just know that I would use it again for my face but not my scalp. 

P.S. I was not asked/paid or compensated to mention the company or brand. The product was bought with my own money and the review was based on my own personal experience. This review was based on my own personal experiences and should you choose to use Aritha I would suggest you do your research and then do a patch test before applying the product on your scalp to see if you are allergic to it or not. 

Have you tried Aritha as a shampoo? If so, what did you think? If not, do you use any other Auyvedic powder as a natural shampoo? Let me know! 



Aloe Vera Juice For Hair, Health and Skin

Hi Maicurlies,

This is going to be more of a “I’m so excited I had to share” post! If you have not already noticed I am a big fan of Aloe Vera and with good reason too (if you ask me.) I do not want to repeat myself but it is great for our hair and skin.

Some people will actually add AVJ to their drinks because when ingested it is known to help:

  • Indigestion
  • Detoxify the body of toxins
  • Boost the immune system
  • Increase energy levels …and much more

Keep in mind that it is known to be a  “mild laxative” and is also known to lower blood sugar levels therefore you should consult your doctor/physician before consuming AVJ.  

 Now when it comes to our hair AVJ is known to:

  • Maintain the pH level of the hair and scalp
  • Promote Hair Growth
  • Eliminate itchy scalp and scalp dryness
  • Reduce hair loss
  • Reduce Dandruff
  • Acts as a conditioning agent
  • Restore shine and luster
  • Help fight against Alopecia

As a skin care agent AVJ is known to:

  • Prevent early signs of ageing
  • Reduce irritations caused by shaving
  • Help keep the skin supple and rejuvenated
  • Heal small cuts and wounds
  • Sooth insect bites
  • Brighten and reduces blemishes
  • Reduce hyper pigmentation 
  • Moisturise the skin
  • Remove dead cells 
  • heals cuts and wounds, dermatitis and also insect bites

I honestly just wanted to showcase the fact that I got not one but two HUGE plants and one little one! 

I normally would “borrow” a few leafs from my mother’s plant whenever I could so I finally decided to get some and here are a few pictures of the leafs I cut.

Look at how HUGE they are! I am so excited.

The “baby” plant needs TLC in order for it to grow but grow it shall! 


Alright enough raving for today!

P.S. I have already touched upon the benefits of AVJ and how I use it in my DIY Hair Gel and my DIY Creamy Leave-In Conditioner and Spray Leave-In Conditioner.




IMPORTANT! I am not a Doctor, Physician nor a Cosmetologist. I am just providing information for educational purposes and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition.  Once you have done that, do patch tests before you put anything all over your head or skin. Please consider this as my advice. You are responsible if you choose to follow some of my methods. 

Hibiscus Flowers For Hair, Health and Skin

Hi Maicurlies,

So today I wanted to delve into the world of flowers and their abilities to help our health and appearance! The flower of the day is Hibiscus (Rosa-Sinensis!)


The particular Hibiscus I will be writing about is the Red Hibiscus since that is what I grow in my garden.

In this post I will just touch upon the benefits and uses of Hibiscus powder/petals. I plan to write about how to make the powder in the coming weeks.

If you have been reading my Blog or following my Videos on YouTube you will notice that I love being able to use one product for several different purposes and Hibiscus does just that! While the Hibiscus plant (found in tropical regions across the world as well as countries in Asia and the Middle East) and in particularly its flowers are commonly used for decorative purposes , today I will be discussing its benefits as an Ayurvedic herb!

Hibiscus For the hair Hibiscus powder can be used to help grow healthy hair due to the fact that it stops excessive hair shedding, provides the hair with a boost of luster and bounce, adds a natural shine to the hair, strengthens the hair and as if that is not enough it is also said to delay premature graying. When combined with other Ayurvedic herbs such as Alma and Brahmi – the mix results in a wonderful conditioning paste. You can make your very own Hibiscus oil by seeping some petals in a carrier oil (e.g. Virgin Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Almond Oil etc.) for 2 weeks and then straining it out. Should you be looking for a more intensified red tint from Henna, then Hibiscus powder is what you need as it can give you a more burgundy to red wine result. (Note – If you have light hair e.g. blond to light brown the colour deposit from the powder will be more visible than for those with darker hair e.g. dark brown to black.)

Keep in Mind – Hibiscus is slightly acidic and therefore might make your hair feel a little dry afterwards (depends on person to person) therefor, you should follow up with a moisturizing deep conditioner after application. You should also remember to cover counter tops with old newspapers and wear gloves and clothes you do not mind getting stained when using Hibiscus powder.

For the skin – Apart from its ability to help in the health of our hair, Hibiscus is also an awesome skin care ingredient that you should try to add to your routine! It is known to help reduce acne, eczema and skin irritations, particularly when it is made into a paste with Amla. Since Hibiscus contains Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA), this makes it a commonly used ingredient in anti-aging products due to the fact that it stimulates the production of collagen. It is popular for its ability to reduce the appearance of winkles, delay the signs of again and reduce dark circles under the eyes.

For the Health – Hibiscus can also be consumed as a tea “sour tea” by seeping 2 teaspoons of Hibiscus powder in 1 cup of boiled water. (You can actually buy Hibiscus tea if you do not want to make your own.) The taste of the tea is quite sour and strong therefore you might want to sweeten it using honey. Hibiscus tea is said to help lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, help those suffering with type 2 Diabetes and due the antioxidants present in the flower, it is said to help keep mild colds and flues at bay. It is also believed that drinking Hibiscus tea regularly can help increase your satiety (the feeling you get when you are full.) If you feel full you do overeat! 😀 At the same time it is believed that Hibiscus tea can help digest starch and sugar so why not add it to list of herbal teas right?! (Note: this is not a “diet” tea and should not be used as such.) 

P.S. you do not have to make your own Hibiscus power. There are number of sites selling Ayurvedic herbs (including Hibiscus) that are ready for use. 




Daily Skin Care Routine (Night Time) is Up on YouTube

Hey Maicurlies,

Image courtesy of Akeeris /

Image courtesy of Akeeris /

I finally have a video up on YouTube covering my current Daily Night Time Routine. I have also loaded the video up on my Blog here. Apart from the video I have a write-up of the “products” I use and how I use them under the Mai Skin Routine Section. For my routine I like to:

  1. Cleanse
  2. Tone
  3. Moisturize

I have oily-sensitive skin and a lot of the store bought products I have used in the past have either done great to stop the oiliness but reeked havoc on my sensitive skin or I would end up with extremely dry skin, break out in rashes or spots. So in order to avoid all that I started researching and trying out natural products. My skin is loving the more natural approach! I am the kind of person who likes to have choices (at least two) so I recently picked up a new product Rose Water that I use as a toner and let me tell you… I LOVE it, my skin LOVES it and I am happy! I actually like using Rose Water a lot more compared to what I have been using Apple Cider Vinegar and Water. Rose Water carries with it a lot of nourishing and toning properties and it smell 100x better! I will have a write-up on the Rose Water soon. 

I would love to know what your night time routine is for your skin!




Natural Ingredients for Skin Up

Hello Maicurlies!

list of natural ingredients for skin

I finally wrote my Natural Ingredients list for Skin care here. I decided to add it to the heading of “Mai Tips – Skin” . What I have done is to include the ingredients I use/have used as well as some of the popular natural ingredients (that I have come across – some of which I have not had the chance to use.) I could not write every single aspect of each ingredient (I already feel like I wrote toooo much) because I would end up writing a book! I basically just gave a very brief sum-up of each ingredient mentioned.

I would love to hear from you especially if you want me to add your favorite ingredient so let me know!



DIY Face & Body Sugar Scrub up on YouTube

Good Evening all!


While I already had the write-up of my Sugarcane Sugar Scrub already up on my blog here I did not have my video made yet. I finally started making some skin care videos and have loaded up my Scrub video on YouTube and also linked the video here in my blog.

This scrub can have so many variations in terms of the ingredients used so please feel free to replace certain ingredients to change things up (if you want.) E.g. Peppermint Essential Oil, Tea Tree Oil. Or use Molasses instead of Pure Honey. You of course can add ingredients too like coffee granules, orange zest…the list is endless!

I hope you enjoy the video and have fun making the scrub (I love making it for family, friends and myself of course!) 


