Category Archives: Aloe Vera Juice for skin

Skin Care

DIY: Itchy Dry Scalp Treatment (Protective Style Spray)

Hey Maicurlies,

I am back (finally, I know I have been away) with another DIY. This recipe is for the scalp and is helpful for those of us that suffer from an itchy, dry, irritated, flaky scalp especially when rocking a Protective Style (PS).


While rocking a PS, it can become a little difficult to maintain a healthy scalp while still keeping the integrity of the PS and this mix will hopefully make it easier to keep your scalp clean and healthy while attending to scalp issues. You are of course still going to wash your hair/scalp as normal however whenever you experience itchiness, dryness, irritations etc you can reach for this without having to over wash your scalp to try and sooth the issue. 

Note: This mix can be used on your scalp even if you hair is not in a PS but this post was intended to focus on maintaining a healthy scalp  care during PS mode.



  • 1 oz Fresh Aloe Vera Juice
  • 0.2 oz Apple Cider Vinegar (natural/organic)
  • 0.5 oz Plain Water
  • 5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (EO)*
  • 3 capsules Vitamin E  Oil
  • Spray Bottle

*If you are pregnant please do not use any EO and always consult with your doctor/dermatologist if you are trying something new. 

NOTE: This mix is not for medicinal purposes, it is simply for informational purposes. ALWAYS consult with a professional doctor/dermatologist prior to integrating anything new to your routine! 

Ingredient Benefits:

Aloe Vera Juice – a natural humectant that attracts moisture in the air to the area applied (the scalp). It is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that helps to reduce dry itchiness on the scalp, stimulates hair growth and is said to help with very mild cases of Alopecia. It balances and conditions both the scalp and roots leaving no traces of “product” build-up, has natural astringent properties to leave you with a clean scalp and aids in moisturizing dry hair. 

Apple Cider Vinegar – has natural astringent properties, while diluted (e.g. with water & AVJ) it provides the scalp and hair (roots) with an optimal pH level and is also known for its ability to remove product build up. It helps to not only remove product but also helps to close the pores on the scalp while at the same time closing the cuticle of the hair which provides it with shine. 

Peppermint Essential Oil – has astringent properties as well which helps to eliminate product build up and to remove sweat and dirt on the scalp. It helps stimulate blood circulation in the scalp which in turns helps to promote hair growth. The oil is known for combating dry irritated scalps which can help eliminate dandruff. Due to its stimulating properties (it will make your scalp feel fresh and tingly) this can help tackle the issue of itchiness while at the same time cleansing the scalp to eliminate the problem all together. 

Vitamin E Oil – in this mix it can help extend the shelf life of the spray (but does not work as a preservative!). The oil is packed with antioxidants that helps to moisturize the scalp, keeps it healthy, less prone to dryness and thus aids in the growth of healthy hair as well. It allows the hair to grow soft, full of shine and suppleness and also can aid in slowing down the onset of premature greying. The oil is known to help generate new skin cells which allows your scalp to remain healthy and thanks to its moisturizing and healing properties this allows for quicker and healthier hair growth. 

Water – need I say more? H2o is a naturals best friend since it is a vital source of moisture for both the scalp and hair! 

Additional Options/Ratio Alternatives:

The purpose of this mix is to help keep a clean and healthy scalp therefore it is advisable to use ingredients that have cleansing and moisturizing properties while not clogging up the pores of your scalp. Along with the ingredients above you could also add some Rose Water to this mix e.g 0.2 oz of Rose Water for additional moisturizing elements, soothing effects and a wonderful scent! Tea Tree Essential Oil is an alternative EO that can be used in place of Peppermint. 


Mixing Method:

Combine all the ingredients together in your spray bottle and make sure to shake well before applying.


There are two methods that I highly recommend when applying the mix instead of simply spraying onto your roots/scalp. Either spray some clean ear cleaners (unused!) and run them along your partings. The other option is cotton pads/buds which is my favorite. 


It is highly recommended to store this mix in the fridge for no more than 1 – 1.5 months maximum but constantly check to make sure there is no nasty fungus growing (you will be able to tell especially if you use a see through spray bottle). Keeping it in the fridge also means that it will have a soothing effect on the scalp and will help close the cuticles of your roots and the pores on your scalp! 

I would love to hear what you think! If you use a scalp spray (or try this one) please do let me know, I love hearing from you! 





DIY Aloe Vera Juice

Hey Maicurlies,

Today I have a really quick and simple DIY.

By Sommai - Aloe Vera Fresh Leaf

By Sommai – Aloe Vera Fresh Leaf

Yup, fresh Aloe Vera Juice (AVJ). This bad boy has been in my routine on and off for a while but for whatever reason I sometimes forget about this little gem. I already wrote about the benefits of using AVJ for everything (hair, skin health) please read here before applying it (especially if this is new to you).

In my previous post I just briefly explained how I make my own AVJ so I decided to record a quick video since I was preparing a new batch. 

How I use it:

So obviously I add AVJ to my DIY mixes e.g. flaxseed gel, leave-in conditioner, deep conditioners spray bottle etc.

I always mix AVJ with something (water/liquid/another product etc). Some people complain that AVJ makes their hair feel a little rough and dry so if you are not diluting it that probably is why. I usually use 1 part AVJ (which has vitamin E added to it) with no less than 2 parts or more water/liquid/product. 

Another reason why your hair might not “play nice” with AVJ could be because of the weather in your area. If you happen to live in cold and dry climates this can impact how your hair reacts to AVJ since it is a humectant that draws moisture in the air (humidity) to the area it is applied. So if the air is really dry then the opposite happens, there is no moisture for the hair to absorb and you can be left with hair that feels dry. If on the other hand you have extreme humidity in the air, you might notice “frizz” and that is because your hair is drawing int too much moisture and the hair strands become over saturated with water. So you might need to experiment to find out if your hair likes AVJ and you might need to figure out how to dilute the mix so you are not left with dry hair. I ALWAYS end up with super shiny and moisturized hair whenever I use it. 

TIP: Fresh AVJ does not necessarily smell nice so adding an Essential Oil E.g. tea tree, Peppermint, Grapefruit etc will not only help to extend the shelf life a little but will also help make it smell nice. 

Do you use AVJ? How do you use it and do you make it yourself? I would love to hear from you!




Aloe Vera Juice For Hair, Health and Skin

Hi Maicurlies,

This is going to be more of a “I’m so excited I had to share” post! If you have not already noticed I am a big fan of Aloe Vera and with good reason too (if you ask me.) I do not want to repeat myself but it is great for our hair and skin.

Some people will actually add AVJ to their drinks because when ingested it is known to help:

  • Indigestion
  • Detoxify the body of toxins
  • Boost the immune system
  • Increase energy levels …and much more

Keep in mind that it is known to be a  “mild laxative” and is also known to lower blood sugar levels therefore you should consult your doctor/physician before consuming AVJ.  

 Now when it comes to our hair AVJ is known to:

  • Maintain the pH level of the hair and scalp
  • Promote Hair Growth
  • Eliminate itchy scalp and scalp dryness
  • Reduce hair loss
  • Reduce Dandruff
  • Acts as a conditioning agent
  • Restore shine and luster
  • Help fight against Alopecia

As a skin care agent AVJ is known to:

  • Prevent early signs of ageing
  • Reduce irritations caused by shaving
  • Help keep the skin supple and rejuvenated
  • Heal small cuts and wounds
  • Sooth insect bites
  • Brighten and reduces blemishes
  • Reduce hyper pigmentation 
  • Moisturise the skin
  • Remove dead cells 
  • heals cuts and wounds, dermatitis and also insect bites

I honestly just wanted to showcase the fact that I got not one but two HUGE plants and one little one! 

I normally would “borrow” a few leafs from my mother’s plant whenever I could so I finally decided to get some and here are a few pictures of the leafs I cut.

Look at how HUGE they are! I am so excited.

The “baby” plant needs TLC in order for it to grow but grow it shall! 


Alright enough raving for today!

P.S. I have already touched upon the benefits of AVJ and how I use it in my DIY Hair Gel and my DIY Creamy Leave-In Conditioner and Spray Leave-In Conditioner.




IMPORTANT! I am not a Doctor, Physician nor a Cosmetologist. I am just providing information for educational purposes and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition.  Once you have done that, do patch tests before you put anything all over your head or skin. Please consider this as my advice. You are responsible if you choose to follow some of my methods. 

Skin Care Written Up

Alright guys so I just wanted to give you a very quick summary of all the Skin Care Routine write-ups I have done so far (04.09.2013)

I have basically written up ALL of my Skin Care Routines. I not only show the ingredients I use to create my DIY products but I also provide the quantities I use, mixing instructions and application process.  As and when I make videos I will be adding image demonstrations of the application or mixing processes because it is a little easier to follow if there are pictures along with the write-ups. 

The Skin Care Routine Write-ups I have are:

Click here to go to my Skin Care Routines Page. I also added a section of alternatives that you can use! 

I really do hope you guys find this interesting!

