Exercise Plan 4

Burn baby burn!

I have another program up following a similar pattern as before: Elliptical Machine based and a mix of cardio and weight training. Here are links to my previous plans: Plan 1, Plan 2, Plan 3.

I have become a little “bored” with my Elliptical machine so I got a new workout program. Drum roll please…..Focus T25! Yes! Focus T25! It is part of BeachBody, the coach (Shaun T) and some of the others in the program are from the Insanity Program (that one for insane people) so you better believe it will be a tough! I do not want to do anything illegal such as copying workout calenders, videos etc on the blog however I can provide a link to a snippet of the program to their direct Site.

There are 2 main programs and an additional two to ‘get ripped’ with a total of 16 videos. The two main calendars are broken down into 5 weeks and you workout 5 days a week and stretch on day 6. On the calendar there is a space where you can note down your measurements and a box where you can tick “Nailed It” or “Barely Made It” depending on how hard it was for you to finish each video. The other two schedules are 4 weeks long (each.) 

So for the next couple of weeks (I initially plan to do 10 weeks and then might do the additional 8 weeks.) While on the program I do plan on still making my own workout schedules that you can use if you wish and I will post them on here. 

Right, back to the topic at hand. I have both of my created schedules below along with an explanation of each. Please read the text below in red before you start!

I am NOT a Doctor or Physician therefore you should consult your personal Physician or Doctor if you wish to start ANY new form of exercise. I am just providing information for educational purposes and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition, new exercise schedule or diet program you enter! 

The first image “1 Month Mixed Cardio & Weight Training”: is a combination of heart pumping cardio moves as well as strength building using weights. I increase the repetitions and length/duration of each move as the weeks go by, starting off “easy” and then building from there.

The second image “One Month Elliptical Workout”: has been pushed to the max! As always there are different levels* where I increase and decrease the intensity to really get your blood pumping. The first two weeks consist of a 45 minute workout where you can decide whether you want your arms or legs to be the driving force each day and you can use weighted wrist or ankle bands for extra resistance and more buuuurn! For the last two weeks I increased the time to 50 minutes (I was really pushing myself to do 50 minutes straight without a break!) 

*L1 – L8 = Level 1 – 8 (The resistance setting used). Level 1 (L1) = Easiest – Level 8  (L8) = Hardest.

You can click on the images to get a closer look at them. Please feel free to use them as you see fit!

Enjoy the burn Maicurlies!




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  1. Pingback: Exercise Program 4 | Maicurls

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