Tag Archives: Natural Red dye Hibiscus

Making your own Hibiscus petals and powder (video)

Hey Maicurlies,

I hope all is well and you are enjoying the football (soccer) bug as much I am 😀

Right let me get back to business.

Hibiscus Petals and Powder

                                            Hibiscus Petals and Powder

I have already mentioned Hibiscus in a previous post “Hibiscus for Hair, Health and Skin”, and so I finally made a video as well which you can watch below or on my YouTube Channel:

I personally use Hibiscus for my hair, skin and internally.

  • For my hair: I add it to my Henna
  • For my skin: I have used it as a toner* (although my Rosewater toner is hands down my favorite)
  • Internally: I use it as a tea

*Hibiscus does give off a purple/red tint so you might want to splash off the toner after applying it to a cotton swab and rubbing it over your face.

If you feel like doing a little extra DIY then you can use Hibiscus petals from your garden and either sun-dry them or use your oven to dry them*.

Fresh Hibiscus Petals from my garden

                     Fresh Hibiscus Petals from my garden

*It is “faster” to oven-dry the petals however a lot more difficult to do without burning them (trust me I’ve tried)! Sun-drying requires a little more time but you do not run the risk of burning the hibiscus.

Apart from collecting the petals yourself, an easier way is to use prepackaged hibiscus petals or powder. I personally get mine from a local Indian store but there are several sources where you can find them in case you do not have a local Indian store near you. Just to mention a few Amazon, Butters-n-Bars and SheaButter Cottage are three places where you can find either the petals or powder (just some suggestions).

Packaged Dried Hibiscus

                                   Packaged Dried Hibiscus

Please note: I was not requested, paid, or compensated to mention the sources above. I paid (with my own money) for the hibiscus petals I use and just wanted to share where you can find the product in case you are interested.  

I get whole petals from the store but I like to use both whole petals as well as the powdered form. I make my own powder by simply blending the dried petals, sieving them (a couple of times) and that is it! See below:

I like to use the whole petals for my tea and whenever I make my hibiscus toner for my skin. I use the powder when I mix my henna as it gives my hair an extra punch of red! 🙂

My video goes into detail about how exactly I make each of the three DIY products so please take a look at that.

I would love to hear if you use Hibiscus powder or petals and how!


