DIY Amla Infused Grapeseed Oil

DIY Amla Infused Grapeseed Oil

DIY Amla Infused Grapeseed Oil

I have already mentioned the benefits of using Amla infused oil which you can read over here and in case you’re new to my blog (Hi there!) or perhaps missed my previous oil Infusion posts you can find links to them below:

DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil

DIY Hibiscus infused Almond Oil

Before I go any further I want to mention I was not requested or compensated for anything used in this DIY recipe. All products used were paid for with my own money. Amla oil is said to help darken the hair so if you do not want this attribute then this recipe might not be the one for you.

I have a video demonstrating how I make my Amla Infused oil on my YouTube Channel:

I also wanted to provide a write-up so here we go Maicurlies!


  • Spoon
  • Measuring cups
  • Container
  • Coffee filter
  • String (to close the coffee filter)
  • 1/4 cup of Amla powder (Hesh)
  • 1.5 cups cup of Grapeseed Oil (you can use any oil of choice)
  • 15 drops Grapefruit essential oil (optional – you can use any oil of choice)

*NOTE: I am not a dermatologist nor a doctor. I provide this for informational purposes only so please consult with a professional before you apply anything new to your skin or hair. Should you be taking medication or creams from a medical professional please do not replace that with my DIY recipe – consult your medical professional first! If you are allergic to any of the ingredients I use do not use them. Do a small patch test on the inside of your arm when trying anything new before applying it all over your hair/skin. Always ensure to dilute the Essential Oils (EO) in a carrier oil as they can cause skin irritations if used undiluted. If you are pregnant you should NOT use any EO.

Here are some of the ways you can use the oil:

  • To seal in moisture
  • Part of you deep condition mix
  • A pre-poo
  • In your whipped butter mix
  • For a scalp massage

I would love to hear if you have or will use Amla Infused Oil . I would also love to hear how you use the oil!




3 thoughts on “DIY Amla Infused Grapeseed Oil

    1. maicurls Post author

      Hey Love!

      If you are just using the oil, I honestly feel it acts the same way as any other oil does for my hair. It has it’s own set of “benefits” compared to using other infused oils obviously thanks to the Amla but apart from that there was no real change. Now if I use Amla powder in a mix e.g. a paste, my conditioner etc then I do notice that I have used Amla. It is much stronger when used straight-as-is but as an oil I honestly just use it the same way I would my other oil.



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