Back on the Workout Wagon!

Hello Maicurlies,

So yes….the audacity…I know…I know (hanging head in shame)… 

YES, I am back on the “let me get fit” wagon (again)! I will be the first to admit that I get into working out and then fall off the workout “high” quite quickly. However, in my defense (which is non-existent) I really am one of those types of people that becomes fixated with something, become obsessed…until something new comes along and then I am obsessed with some new hobby.

Anyways, excuses aside I have decided I need to start working out again regularly. I have a few “problem areas” that I need to fix and would like to tone my body so workout I shall!

  • Workout Start Date: June 26th 2016 
  • Current Schedule End Date: July 25th 2016 (I will come up with new ones as the weeks go by)
  • Weekly – Written updates 

I have always found 30 day challenges really fun to do and I have love for a good cardio workout too no pain no gain right? So here is my plan, I have a 30 day Guns, Buns, Abs and Thighs schedule all planned out (you will find it below) and to get some cardio in I shall be switching between my every so trusty (and dusty) elliptical machine and some golden oldies kickboxing/Tae Bo workouts by Billy Banks (yes I am taking it way back but I love his workouts and p.s. he has some new material out)! You can actually find some of his videos on YouTube, I plan to include cardio at least 4 days a week (when I am adventurous 5 days) and will have a day off from cardio as well as  day that I stretch.

30 Day Fitness Challenge Guns, Buns, Thighs & Abs

30 Day Fitness Challenge Guns, Buns, Thighs & Abs

So obviously the 30 day challenge will be carried out for 30 days and I plan in increasing the number of repetitions as the days go on since I will be “getting stronger” right? I do not plan on carrying out every single exercise every single day since giving your muscles a rest once in a while is actually more beneficial so you will notice that on certain days I have “SQUAT FREE” or “LEG LIFT FREE” etc days. As far as the cardio goes, as I mentioned I will be switching between my elliptical and my Billy Banks workouts so I do not get bored and while alternating I will also use different Billy Banks workouts, alternate between using my ankle/wrist weights and will also be pushing myself on my elliptical with resistance. I feel good about this Maicurlies! 

I plan on doing weekly updates here and on my Instagram Page just to say how I have been doing, feeling, how motivated I have been etc, this will hopefully make me feel more accountable and will inspire me to keep at it. 

So here is where you come in, if any of you are inspired to workout with me please DO! You don’t have to follow my schedule obviously, do what works best for you but any exercise is better than no exercise right?

Let me know if you do decide to join in, let me know what kind of workouts you are doing, we can help one another other stay motivated! 




3 thoughts on “Back on the Workout Wagon!

  1. Pingback: (Update) Workout Week 1 | Maicurls

  2. ladynefertiti bk

    Your going to look great after all that exercising. I’m right there with you, if only I can stop the start then stop action. lol…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. maicurls Post author

      Hey love,

      I am telling you I have a problem lol. When I start I become obsessed…everything is all about working out. I have a copy of my workout sheets, I tick off thing I have done, obsessively look for other workout schedules, get videos etc and as soon as I hit that “let me just take an extra day off” it is all over lol. But we can do it!!!! 😀



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