DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil (Recipe 1)

Good Morning Maicurlies,

I mentioned in my last post (here) that I am going to making a “mini series” of DIY Infused oils and here is the first. My DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed oil.

Completed product: DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil with Rose Essential Oil

DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil

So, why would you want to use Rose Infused Oil for your hair and/or skin?

  • Helps retain moisture
  • Provides Shine
  • Strengthens hair at the root
  • Protects against frizz
  • Gives the hair a boost of luster
  • Helps stimulate growth (when massaged on the scalp)
  •  Can help relieve psoriasis & dandruff – (consult your dermatologist)
  • Moisturizing effect on dry and chapped skin
  • Nourishes the skin to help retain moisture
  • Natural astringent
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles – (with frequent use)
  • Can fight light skin irritations due to its antibacterial properties – (consult your dermatologist)
  • Soothing effect on lightly sunburned or sensitive skin – (consult your dermatologist)
  • Lightly fade acne scars and stretch marks – (with frequent use)
  • Improves the texture of the skin due to vitamin C

Depending on the carrier oil you choose, you also get the additional benefit of that along with the properties of roses. On my blog I have a list of different carrier oil benefits for the hair and skin.

I personally use Grapeseed oil because:

Grapeseed oil is easily absorbed into the hair and scalp without weighing down the hair or clogging up pores due to the fact that it is an extremely light oil. Those with fine hair (such as I) can use it without worrying about having greasy hair. It is known to help heal alopecia areata as well dry and itchy scalps (consult your dermatologist) and can help fight dandruff. It is great at  sealing and retaining moisture.

Ingredients/tools used:

  • 1/2 cup dried white roses (2x as I made 2 jars)
  • 1/2 cup dried red roses (2x as I made 2 jars)
  • 1.5 cups (roughly) of Grapeseed Oil (per jar)
  • 11 drops Rose Essential oil (optional)
  • Spoon
  • Stirrer
  • Sieve
  • Coffee Filter
  • Funnel

Mixing Process:

DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil With Rose Essential Oil

DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil With Rose Essential Oil

I have a video up of my process (see below):

*NOTE: I am not a dermatologist nor a doctor. I provide this for informational purposes only so please consult with a professional before you apply anything new to your skin or hair. Should you be taking medication or creams from a medical professional please do not replace that with my DIY recipe – consult your medical professional first! If you are allergic to any of the ingredients I use do not use them. Do a small patch test on the inside of your arm when trying anything new before applying it all over your hair/skin. Always ensure to dilute the Essential Oils (EO) in a carrier oil as they can cause skin irritations if used undiluted. If you are pregnant you should NOT use any EO.

If you try this please let me know how it turns out. If you make your own Infused Rose Oil I would love to hear from you!




8 thoughts on “DIY Rose Infused Grapeseed Oil (Recipe 1)

    1. maicurls Post author

      Hi Poupee,

      Thank you for reading my post and commenting. I will be honest and state I haven’t personally tried using fresh rose petals. I don’t like pulling off fresh petals just because it seems like a waste (I am strange like that LOL). I have seen videos on YouTube where fresh rose petals were used, I just wonder about how the moisture in the fresh petals, the oil and a tightly closed container will end up after a few weeks. Normally moisture and oil do not play well together and you might end up with bacteria growth. I have tried using fresh Neem leafs with oil and after a few days….there was nastiness in the container LOL, so I just stick to dry petals and leafs. If you do try with fresh petals I would love to hear your results 🙂


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