What are some reasons people have given you why they “CAN’T? go natural?

Hey Maicurlies,

I have a new contribution article on Global Couture and this one can be considered as a “debate” (a constructive one I hope).  

Global Couture asked the question “What are some reasons people have given you why they ‘CAN’T’ go natural?” on all of their social media platforms to start a little healthy discussion. 

What are some reasons people have given you why they "CAN'T" go natural

What are some reasons people have given you why they “CAN’T” go natural

Now, I have to say I am NOT one to force anyone into anything they themselves do not want to do and that includes going back natural. Going back natural should be a personal decision made for the right reasons, basically doing it because it is something you want to do. If you try and force someone to go back natural and they are not ready chances are they will find it even harder, they might regret their decision and who knows they might actually resent you because they feel like you pressured them. So “peer-pressuring” is a no no!

However, I have come across people who have the funniest comments as to why they do not think they can go back natural. If someone says “I do not want to go back natural because I just do not want to and it is my right”. I completely agree with that instead of some of the “funny” comments I’ve heard/read.

Anyways, in the article Global Couture collected the most popular 15 “reasons” that naturals have said others told them why they can’t go natural and provided a few responses to the comments. 

You can read the full article here

Have you come across similar statements? I would love to hear from you!




5 thoughts on “What are some reasons people have given you why they “CAN’T? go natural?

    1. maicurls Post author

      Hey lovely!

      Yeah sometimes people say “you don’t understand” even though we all have our own struggles some more some less…but a struggle nevertheless. Ah well…we will bask in our natural hair glory 😀



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